FAQ (często zadawane pytania)


channelling ×


  • Can you tell us more about this technology called "The Voice of God" where people hear voices in their head?

    Yes, this technology uses "Bio-Neural Interface" methods that have evolved over the decades since it was developed. The older LF/ELF frequency VOG devices could focus on an individual in a crowd but after a certain range the "blooming affect" caused a loss in its desired effect. The more recent technology can now focus on an individual from a drone aircraft or even Low Earth Orbit.

    Depending on the model and settings it can be used to maintain point to point communications with operatives in the field, cause an unsuspecting person to hear voices through vibrations in their skull and brain matter or even download audio, olfactory and visual data directly to their neurological systems. As SOP operatives are exposed to this technology to be able to recognize when they are being targeted.

    The people that create the data or reality constructs that are "downloaded" are called "Programmers". This VOG technology is heavily used on people who channel as well as "Targeted Individuals". It can produce hallucinations that are incredibly realistic. Heavy use of this technology over a long period of time will induce Paranoid Schizophrenia in people who would otherwise never have developed this disorder.

    It is a very nasty and dangerous technology that is widely used against the public. It has been a major tool to spread misinformation through the “truther movement” and to discredit legitimate contacts and communications with non-terrestrials. It has been used with a large amount of success in creating competing narratives to cause schisms between followers of various esoteric groups.

    VOG technology is currently in use as of the date of this response.

    LAN_FAQS_001: voice god channelling
    14 wrz 2015